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Why to link words in your text and point them to LinkedWords.com?
We ( EPR Network ) are using a web 2.0 contextual platform called LinkedWords.com for quite long time now and here we'd like to give our 2 cents on why you would also want to link words in your text and point them to LinkedWords? First off, doing contextual links with third party sites is always found to be helpful in increasing the overall visibility and popularity of your site as well as if the links are quality and relevant enough it helps in driving more targeted visitors to your site. But LinkedWords.com takes the extra mile in that process and significantly increases the effectiveness of linking between sites on a contextual level. Simply said: LinkedWords.com maximizes contextual linking between sites through strategic linked words.


Source: http://blog.express-press-release.com/2007/04/06/why-to-link-words-in-your-text-and-point-them-to-linkedwordscom/

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