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An icon of old web tech is sold... Tom's hardware goes for $15-20 million
Raise your hand if you have been to Tom's Hardware. Yep, we all have at one time or another. I remember using that site bigtime back in the mid to late 90s. It (along with Anand) was the best for tech help and finding out if the latest processor was a hit or a miss. I am not sure if it because I left the early-adopter, hardcore pc builder segment, or if new sites cropped up and were less overwhelmed with ads, but I don't find myself visiting Tom's that much anymore. I am not even sure if I have been there in 2007. Both Mashable and PaidContent are reporting that the service have been sold. The initial story comes from The Inquirer where Tom's Publishing CEO, Omid Rahmat, confirms the network has been sold. There seems to be rumors that the price was in the $15-20 million dollar range.


Source: http://www.centernetworks.com/an-icon-of-old-web-tech-is-sold-toms-hardware-goes-for-15-million

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